"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,
but by the moments that take our breath away."
-- Dr. Maya Angelou

Friday, January 18, 2008

Musings for Thursday and tomorrows things to do

I planned to return to work today. When I called work yesterday, to see what my schedule was. I was told that I will have Friday and Saturday off and to come in on Sunday. Quite lovely. Today I cleaned my outside kitchen and living room windows. Shannan washed three loads of laundry. I am hoping to keep up on it; instead of having a mountain of laundry at one time. I wanted to take a shower before making dinner. I had a five gallon bucket, with the ironing board cover in it; soaking in Oxi-clean, in the bathtub. How heavy it was to lift. My thoughts wandered to, how different my life would be; if I had no running water, and had to haul all my water, from here to there. I take it for granted, for the fact; that I don't think about it. I know when I turn on that faucet water is going to come out. I know when its time to brush my teeth, wash my hands, wash the dishes, take a shower; that all I have to do is turn that faucet on and water will appear. Another blessing.

I have never eaten quiche. Shannan didn't like it, for me it wasn't the best thing I have ever eaten. Maybe it was how I cooked it, as I am not the best cook. Tomorrow we visit my mom. I am bringing the left over quiche and a loaf of the banana bread; that I baked the other day. We will see if it is the quiche or the cook. I also have to go to the dry cleaners, to pick up my two jackets. Sunday they are not open; and I need them for work.

I have found the perfect cloth napkin, its very lovely and has this vintage look. I had found some very lovely retro 1940s looking ones, that were more expensive; that I was indecisive about. When I first saw these I knew they were the ones. I believe the sage green color, will be more favorable, concerning stains; compared to other ones with white in them.

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