"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,
but by the moments that take our breath away."
-- Dr. Maya Angelou

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Musings for Thursday and tomorrows things to do

Warm towels and clean sheets. The inside of the house is clean down to the windows. Life is good. I am off to spend a hour or so with a friend, who every time we are together; we laugh so hard it hurts. Nothing like soul healing humor to nourish your being. When I come home I will wash some dishes, then iron my clean pillow cases. For some reason, these when dried, wad up just at the bottom.

Tomorrow is a routine appt. with my oncologist. I am in good spirits, as I know the lab tests that were done on Monday, will only bring good results. I have some very ripe bananas, that say banana bread, so maybe some baking will be going on. One of the challenges I seem to have is food waste. I need to work on using up what I have before it expires or goes bad. The banana bread seems like a step in the right direction.

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