"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,
but by the moments that take our breath away."
-- Dr. Maya Angelou

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Culling the path...to simple living

When I cleaned out the kitchen; I put things that I no longer wanted in a box. I only have items left; that I plain and simple, just love. I did not leave, the ones that were culled in a open place as I did not want to be tempted, to reclaim them. Actually I have forgotten what is in the box, so that tells me there is no great importance in them.

I am now venturing into the dining, living room area and box two is ready to go. When I do make it into the my bedroom, and the dreaded closet; always quite organized, but has a abundance of things. If it is not a classic piece or if I have not worn it in over a year, it will go, into box number three and most likely four.

The only exception is the treasured memory box, that holds those art projects, from my children's school years. I will collect all, that is still placed here and there in the house and place it in its final resting place; the memory box.

The bathroom will be next and if we don't use it, there will be no box just a trash bag, for the various shampoos and lotions; that are just there, no forseeable use. Bathroom things such as curling irons and such, will go into a box.

The patio, will be last. All those items, that sit year after year such as the bike, will go to the garbage area, in hopes to be reclaimed, by one who can give it life once again. No more need, for bubbles and balls as all my little ones are all grown.

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