"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,
but by the moments that take our breath away."
-- Dr. Maya Angelou

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Leaving gentler footprints on this earth

Immediately I will transition to dishcloths instead of sponges, dish towels for drying my hands. I will wait until I have enough saved, to purchase, some of these lovely kitchen towels to replace my old ones. Then I will cut my old ones to napkin size, make a seam and I will start to use cloth napkins. Soon flour sack towels will replace paper towels for cleaning. There is available to me, a endless supply of 5 gallon pickle containers, from work. I have one on my patio, that is going to house, my first tomato plant. Until I start to garden, I will use it on shower days. I will conserve, by reusing shower water. When rinsing my hair, I will fill the bucket; then use the water on my outdoor plants.


Celticspirit said...

Just wanted to say, I enjoy reading your blog. It's very pleasing to the eye and enjoyable.

Rhonda Jean said...

I just dropped by to say hello and to catch up on your blog. You're doing some good things in your home, suzen. : )