"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,
but by the moments that take our breath away."
-- Dr. Maya Angelou

Monday, January 19, 2009

Almost done

The grocery shopping wasn't the only thing that hasn't been done in a big way, since Oct. I sort of had a wash what we need and the rest can wait....and wait....and wait cycle going on. I just didn't realize how long, until my daughter said that her shirt for volunteering; had been in the hamper since, Oct.

We sorted the laundry and that is when I realized this is going to take two trips to the laundry room. Our laundry room has 8 washers and 8 dryers, but I didn't want to take all day to get it done. I decided to do all the linens and such today. Then maybe Wed. or Fri. all the clothes. Today we washed 13 loads., which included 4 of towels, 2 of sheets, 1 of rugs, 1 of mattress pads, 4 of quilts and 1 of jeans.

It really wasn't that bad, for the fact that there are so many machines and that we were there before 6 a.m.; to assure that no one would be using the machines. I think we have another 8 loads to go; 5 of darks, 2 of lights and 1 of pinks.

Later I plan on folding it and putting it away only to do it all over again in a couple of days.

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